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Need to brush up on your business basics? Of course you do.
We’re a community of mom entrepreneurs that bring together an amazing women who connect, inspire, and grow our businesses together. Because we know we can’t do it alone.
Since The Founding Moms launched in 2010, we’ve welcomed members from 200+ cities worldwide and we’ve grown to an incredible 30,000+ following. Even better, our members see an average 15% revenue increase within one year of joining us.
Wanna hear how we got our start? Meet Jill Salzman.
It’s in everything we do. We get together each month during live event to chat. We ask the tough (embarrassing?) questions. We give advice, we vent hard, and we support each other throughout our business-building adventures because we know we’re better off being in this together.
We focus on marketing, branding, and sales, and we sprinkle in a dash of emotional wellness throughout it all. We bring in top experts to deliver educational content and realtime advice on the business fundamentals that matter most.
If you’re a mom entrepreneur, you’re probably overwhelmed, too. Ever wonder where that creative spark went? We can help you find it again. Business doesn’t have to be boring, and we wanna make sure you find joy in everything that you do.
The Launch It Membership is our introduction to The Founding Moms. Get a sampling of our Video Course Learning Library, access to our monthly Live with Jill events, and more.
Your monthly investment is only $55 or $600 annually and the results are priceless. Whaddya get?
Jill turns the mundane into inspiration and transforms the impossible into the achievable. Through defying expectations and breaking the rules, she succeeds in inspiring entrepreneurs to figure out what works for them by using meaningful action to create positive results.