Oh Mexico

Ever made a business blunder? Of course, you have. We all have. Running a business is full of mishaps, and eventually, you find your groove and never look back. Making mistakes is part of the business owner’s playbook. Learning from our mistakes not only teaches us what not to do, it makes us resilient– a critical character trait of an entrepreneur. Knowing this doesn’t make it hurt any less when you’re in the middle of a big business misstep. So, how do you bounce back?

Jill shares one of her biggest (and most expensive) lessons learned in episode #4 of her podcast Why Are We Shouting?.

The Oops Factor

We’ve all been there: we have a brilliant idea that we pursue with the unbridled enthusiasm of a toddler surrounded by bubbles, and then it blows up in our pretty little faces. Maybe we got too excited too fast, or we didn’t think it through all the way before jumping head first. Either way, we dove in and miffed it up in the process. But that’s okay. In fact, many highly successful business owners credit their failures as the reason for their successes. 

That’s what happened when Jill launched what’s now known as The Founding Moms. This community of badass mom entrepreneurs was going to have a very different name and overall brand story. A series of legal hurdles and a fateful interaction with a Founding Exchange Leader from Mexico changed all of that. 

She said to me ‘Jill we can’t use your logo in Mexico. Everytime a woman here sees your logo she’s turned off and doesn’t want to join.’ I was heartbroken and devastated. And I realized there was a huge cultural divide. – Jill Salzman, on the Why Are We Shouting? podcast

Although they can be devastating, the best lessons learned are those that come from failing and then flying. It’s those redemption stories that inspire us the most, not only as entrepreneurs, but as human beings. We can’t overthink or over-plan our lives away, but we also need to make sound decisions and not repeat our mistakes. It’s all part of the process.

Hear the full story  about how Jill took a lemon of a situation and turned it into an icy, cold glass of branding lemonade. Bottoms up! 

Enjoy this story and more on the Why Are We Shouting? podcast available anywhere you listen to podcasts.  


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