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Have you ever been slandered? In your personal life or –arguably worse– your professional life? We spend the majority of our lives aspiring to have a favorable reputation that helps folks trust us and think we’re good people. But, what happens when someone decides to take that hard-earned reputation and drag it through the mud? Perhaps over a misunderstanding, or for something more nefarious – a laugh at your expense. That’s exactly what happened to Jill Salzman in episode #65 of her Why Are We Shouting? podcast.
Jill shares a time when she was slandered –through no fault of her own– and came out the other side (relatively) unscathed.
She was in the right, or so she thought. So, how’d it go so wrong?
Stranger Than Fiction
It all started with an idea to co-host a supper club of sorts with a fellow entrepreneur who served a similar clientele to Jill. They would co-host a dinner and invite like-minded attendees to share business advice and passed hors d’oeuvres. During a pre-dinner brainstorming sesh, Jill’s party co-host mentioned an idea she had implemented to thwart the never-ending “Hey, can I pick your brain over coffee?” freebie hunters. Jill thought the idea was brilliant and after getting permission from Co-Host, decided to implement it in her own business.
Fast forward to a few days before the party was going to happen, when Jill comes across a not-so-flattering blog post about…her! Jill was being accused of poaching Co-Host’s business model. It wasn’t true. Not even close. But, there it was on the internet for all the world to see.
A few days before the event was going to happen, I saw a post that my co-host had published online. The Title? ‘That Bit*h Stole My Business Idea! How I’m Going To Get Her Back” – Jill Salzman on the Why Are We Shouting Podcast?
Jill had been slandered. Why did this happen? And what’s a gal to do about it?
Hear the full story of The Slander Situation, with an overall important message to the masses: don’t bad mouth people, or joke about someone’s character. It’s a lesson most folks learn in primary school. But, it’s never too late to be a kind human.
Enjoy this story and more on the “Why Are We Shouting?” podcast available anywhere you listen to podcasts.