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In her groundbreaking podcast, “Why Are We Shouting?”, Jill Salzman has a virtual one-way conversation with famed Late Show with Stephen Colbert host, Stephen Colbert. With over two decades of entertaining guests, it’s no wonder that Jill Salzman chose to send a technological smoke signal to the media darling on her hit podcast.
Colbert is best known for his role on the Colbert Report back in 2005. During his tenure on The Colbert Report, Colbert played himself with an over dramatic tone, made to play on the often-ridiculous roles that reporters must take on to entertain their guests. Since then, Colbert has gone on to take the helm of The Late Show with Stephen Colbert starting in September of 2015.
In this special episode of her podcast, Jill talks about all of the reasons Stephen would be a fascinating guest, her long-documented love of everything Colbert, and how her accomplishments are the perfect topic of conversation for the comedic legend.
And if Colbert knows what is good for him (he more than likely does) then this technological smoke signal will make its way to Colbert’s desk and more importantly, to his warm and cuddly heart. Because if there’s something about Colbert that his audiences are sure about, it’s his love of everything interesting and groundbreaking.
And this is one of those occasions.
During podcasts, radio, and TV interviews, I am often asked the question: so who inspires you? Can you name one person? And I tell them, why yes, yes I can. His name is Stephen Colbert. Why Stephen you ask? I think he is one of the most brilliant minds of this century. And the last one too. If you have seen him on any one of his old shows, The Colbert Report, the speed at which his neurons bounce around his head are apparent and they are astonishing. – Jill Salzman on the Why Are We Shouting? podcast
Stephen Colbert first appeared for live audiences in February of 2005, where he was but a lone actor trying to make audiences laugh through his slapstick comedy and witty monologues. Often geared towards the intelligent well-educated viewer with a deep interest in the daily happenings of Washington and the U.S. government.
Dear Stephen, remember when I launched the Tumblr page back in 2012, you saw it, it’s called Stephen Colbert and Jill Salzman’s A Report on the Quest to Build a Rapport of the Future with the Report. You can find it on or just google Jill Salzman Stephen Colbert. For me, it’s the second link that comes up. Quick, click on the link before Tumblr disappears altogether. – Jill Salzman on the Why Are We Shouting? podcast
In a brilliant marketing campaign created by Jill, she created a Tumblr specially designed to garner the attention of Colbert. And in many ways, it was the early marketing technique of building a sort of fanfare for the comedic genius. Combining funny memes, witty stories, and even the occasional photo of the famed comedian.
There’s no doubt that Jill was onto something big, in particular a type of marketing that was often overlooked. Social media marketing is absolutely essential for any up and coming business and is the bread and butter of any entrepreneur in 2021. Especially now as the world becomes increasingly more and more digital.
And Jill’s clever campaign to get Colbert to notice her clearly worked; she landed interviews on national news networks like CBS, ABC and Fox News. The interviews covered her novel work with mom entrepreneurs in addition to her admiration for the satirical legend, Colbert.
Since I don’t know where to send you copies of either one of my books, I want to read to you Stephen, in 2012 I wrote a book called Found it: A Field Guide for Mom Entrepreneurs and in 2018 I wrote The Best Business Book in the World* (*According to My Mom). And if you open up the first few pages of either one of these books, in the front matter, a statement that says, except as permitted under the US Copyright Act of 1967, no part of this publication can be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form…except for Stephen Colbert. – Jill Salzman on the Why Are We Shouting? podcast
Salzman was right about one thing (a couple of things, actually) her book really was the biggest business book in the world back in 2018. Her novel take on helping entrepreneurs led to the creation of her two first books that now reside in the Library of Congress in Washington.
She had the brilliant idea when she was emailing her more than 10,000 readers every week on the latest in small business practices, entrepreneurism, and how to navigate a male-dominated industry. With practical tips and utilizing real-world examples, Jill was able to amass a loyal and unique following.
Then it dawned on her that these emails might actually be worth something, and so the Best Business Book in the World* (*According to my Mom) was birthed into life and mom entrepreneurs everywhere couldn’t be more grateful.
Let’s hope that all this campaigning might just be what her podcast needs to finally land that coveted interview with the great Stephen Colbert. Surely, it’s just around the riverbend and maybe, just maybe, Colbert has been listening all along.
To hear more stories like this one, and get all the business tips and tricks your little heart desires head over to the Why Are We Shouting? podcast wherever you listen to podcasts. Or, check out this episode here: