We have one. Sign up here.
It’s December (already??!!) and you know what that means. It’s time to buy gifts for people you barely speak to 11 months out of the year.
December is a time for reflecting on what worked — and what didn’t — in your business this year and how you can prepare for an even better 2022 starting in just a few short weeks. One major way to up your business game in the new year is to raise your prices. We’re diving into some majorly important tips and tricks to increase your prices and your value.
The Founding Moms theme for December is Raise Your Prices. We’re all wondering the same things when it comes to pricing, but we don’t ask ourselves often enough: Do you know what your competition charges? Are you priced higher or lower than they are based on what they offer? When was the last time you changed your rates? If you are scared to raise your prices or change your pricing structure, why?
These are extremely important questions to consider when taking an overall health check of your business. It can be a little overwhelming and scary but not to worry, we’ve got your back.
What are our helpful offerings available to our members and community this month?
First up, business coach and creator of the Problem to Promise Roadmap Steph Shinabery will be teaching a course on how to create a unique, signature system to help your online business stand out.
When: December 2, 2021
How to join:
Cost: FREE to current Founding Mom members
Next, digital marketing consultant and founder of KS&Co. Krista Salomon will be discussing the importance of inclusivity in business. How should I address social issues in my business? How do I appeal to a large audience of people with various backgrounds? These important questions and more will be covered in Krista’s Branding Bootcamp course.
When: Dec 8, 2021
How to join:
Check out the entire series: Branding Bootcamp Series
Cost: $25 per session, or access all 3 for $60
Later this month, Monique Wingard will share her strategies on streamlining content creation and share which tools are absolutely essential for social media success. No more stressing over what to share and when. Sounds like the perfect gift for the holidays!
When: December 15, 2021
How to join:
Check out the entire series: Social Media Bootcamp
Cost: $25 per course or the entire 4-part series can be purchased for $90
We can’t wait to help you explore what it means to raise your prices. It’s always worth considering when you’re making moves and growing your business – particularly so at the end of the year. But why make these decisions by yourself? We look forward to talking about it with you. Join the conversation here.