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Guest Post : Lauren Jones is a freelance writer and founder of Clever Canopy, a web design and brand strategy studio for creative female entrepreneurs. As a writer, Lauren uses her humorous and relatable writing style to connect with audiences. As a brand strategist, she uses a unique, story-driven approach to crafting intentional brand identities that connect and convert.
When Lauren is not working, she can be found spending time with her husband Greg and son Everett enjoying the outdoors whenever possible. Lauren is a self-described music and movie nerd.
I remember browsing through job openings on Indeed with blurry eyes and a newborn baby in my arms. The idea of having to separate from this new tiny human to go back to work was giving me anxiety like I had never felt before. I thought to myself “You’re overreacting. Millions of women go back to work after having a baby and it all works out just fine. Stop it.” But, no matter how hard I tried to stuff those butterflies in my stomach back into their cage, I just couldn’t shake the feeling that going back to my former career felt wrong. I was so lost and confused about what I should do, but knew I needed a job not only for financial reasons but also for my own sanity. I knew I needed to do something different. I needed to go outside my comfort zone and make some big changes.
After a long ( and nerve racking ) talk with my husband, we decided I could take a short period of time to try something else. We were extremely lucky to be in a position financially where I had this luxury. I started brainstorming on ways I could make an income from home. I knew I was creative, I had a marketing background and I was a pretty good writer. I thought it’d be easy to completely change career paths. I started daydreaming of morning strolls with my infant and blissfully being a creative genius during naptime. It did not happen that way. It took a while to find something that fit what I really, truly wanted to do. I sent out resumes and applied for all kinds of jobs only to be told they really needed me to be available past 6pm, on most weekends, and for overnight travel. I was so discouraged and bracing myself for the inevitability of returning to the corporate grind. Then, one day a midweek lunch with my BFF changed everything.
My best friend was a successful, local photographer with a lot of talent and a terrible website. I was always giving her advice on how to improve her website, or how to attract new clients. One day, in between mouthfuls of pad thai I asked her if she ever got around to hiring someone to help with her marketing and if not, I could help while I look for a job. Honestly, I needed a break from primarily thinking about how many times my 2 month old poops in a day. She replied in her best Samantha Jones “Honey, I could never afford you!”. I really wasn’t expecting much out of it, I just needed the creative outlet and if I could help her that was a bonus. We started brainstorming on what I could do and how I could help. It was the most excited I had ever been for a job, even though I knew my pay would mostly consist of hugs and pinot grigio.
I got a lot out of the job, more than I ever thought I would. It was like a real life Ted Talk every day about how to run a business with kindness and appreciation. I also learned how to create contracts, manage billing, and all of those important pieces of owning a business. I was wearing all the hats, and while some fit me better than others, I truly loved every single minute of it.
That job opened so many doors for me professionally. I’d tag along to networking events, or photoshoots and my friend would introduce me as her Marketing Manager. Those introductions led to job opportunities which led to referrals for more jobs.
Even though I initially made less money than I did working retail in high school ( true story!), the job eventually landed me some impressive paychecks. More importantly, I discovered how much I love being creative in my work and that I’m just not complete without that outlet.
For almost a decade I worked with her; directing her marketing efforts, writing her blogs, managing her social media and anything else I could get my hands on. Eventually, I started my own brand strategy and design business using all those tools I learned while working with my friend. I’m still so grateful for the experience and occasionally I’ll still be hired as a consultant for her high 6-figure photography business. Even now when I need an exorcism of pent up creativity, I can jump in where I left off for a change of pace, and of course lots of pinot.