Follow Up with your Clients: An Email vs. SMS Marketing Comparison
According to Pew Research Center, 80% of Americans do not pick up the phone from unknown callers and generally do not pick up their phones as much as they used to. Gone are the days when people were stuck to their landlines and could only walk a few feet away. Nowadays, people are heavily attached to their smartphones and can text via SMS, type out a quick email, and check information online, all within a matter of seconds.
Marketing campaigns have reached millions of followers and subscribers for years. Emailing and SMS marketing are quick, cost-effective ways to keep customers updated, share news, and follow up. Mass audiences are reached in reliable ways and are given reminders, promotions, and discount codes via a short email or brief text message. While both SMS and emails are complementary channels, there are also varying ways to utilize them to your best advantage.
Email Marketing
Emailing clients is a great communication platform for sharing information, personal stories, educational content, and news that is not as time-sensitive. Examples of when it is ideal to follow up with clients via email include the following:
Sending Regular Newsletters: As an entrepreneur, it is vital to keep customers up to date on new products and services. However, introducing featured items should also come with a personal story behind it. Let’s say that you created a clothing line. Talk about what inspired you to get into fashion, why the materials are made the way they are, interview influencers who were featured wearing your clothing line, etc. Connect with your audience and share exciting stories to keep them engaged in your brand. Moreover, upload your newsletters into an archived “blogs” section on your website.
Showcasing Educational Content: Mom entrepreneurs understand how to explain things in engaging ways. Even if a service or product you are selling is heavily saturated in the market, there are still unique concepts and different ways to use similar things. For instance, if your company focuses on skincare, create videos demonstrating how to apply a serum or moisturizer. Moreover, include visuals that illustrate when to use particular products and in what order. Include all of the ingredients and how they contribute to better skin. Be informational and educate your audience in a fun and easy to understand manner.
Highlighting Press Releases: Clients rely on a brand’s credibility and look to reliable sources to confirm that a company is sound and trustworthy. If your company gets featured in The New York Times, for instance, include the entire article or showcase critical reviews or thoughtful comments given by reputable people. Compile authentic feedback and statements from others who have bought and used your products or services. Share how much buzz is going around, and be proud of showing who is using your goods and how they are responding to them.
Advertising Upcoming Events: Many customers want to get involved and learn more about a business they care about. Throw regular events in-person or virtually. Team up with a charity or cause you believe in and relate it to your enterprise. Interview keynote speakers, share your mission statement and get your clients involved.
SMS Marketing
SMS marketing is often ideal for time-sensitive news or when immediate action is needed. Examples of when it is best to follow up with clients via text message include the following:
Offering Limited Deals: In case there are only a certain number of items left, or you are offering a seasonal product, clients may want to respond right away via text. Plus, make sure that customers only need to respond with a quick “yes” or “no” via SMS. Do not send images or attachments but give a link if necessary. Always have a concise call to action and avoid open-ended messages or confusing language filled with abbreviations or caps.
Sending Personal Alerts: There is a higher open rate for text messages compared to emails. Since it is very likely that the receiver will view your message, you can give important alerts such as purchase confirmations, tracking information, and delivery updates. Any changes can be seen in real-time via a link provided via text message. Plus, you won’t have to worry about any Wi-Fi issues since SMS messages are sent through a mobile network connection.
Giving Sneak Peeks: Make the people who are on your text messaging list feel valuable. Give them early access to events, offer special perks, and build up anticipation for new product lines and service launches. Keep in mind basic manners in terms of texting at appropriate times and allowing clients to quickly opt-out of text alerts. However, also reward those who stay on SMS marketing by giving discounts if they show text messages from your business in person or click “buy now” to make a purchase online.
While sending emails and SMS marketing go hand-in-hand, it is beneficial to differentiate the two types of digital outreach. Emails ought to be relied on for lengthier messages filled with rich content, while text messages are for more urgent information that requires a response right away. Overall, keep your clients updated but do not send too many messages: one a week can suffice to build your brand image and adequately connect with your clients.
Final Thoughts
Show how important your clients are by following up with them via email and SMS marketing. Keep your company relevant, allow customers to be involved, and always introduce new ideas to maintain engagement. To learn more about following up with clients via email or SMS, contact the team at Outside the Box Design.
Guest Post:Noah Vertefeuille’s passion for innovation, creativity, and business stemmed from a young age. These interests continued to develop as he grew older and eventually led to him becoming one of the first graduates within the University of Connecticut’s Digital Media and Design program. Working years in the industry, he has acquired the experience and personal resources needed to provide an array of businesses with professional, expertly developed marketing services. Today, he leads the team at Outside the Box Design to effectively transform the opportunities offered to companies of all sizes.