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How much do you love that Money Smart Week is going on right after taxes are due?
I’m doing my first book signing! My first book signing! Since being profiled in A Cup of Cappucino For The Entrepreneur’s Spirit (Vol II), I will be speaking at Money Smart Week’s April 21 lunchtime event and signing copies of the book. I’ve been practicing my autograph for weeks and I may have juuuuuust right by Wednesday. (My husband actually asked me who I was seeing, what with the hearts that I started drawing around my own initials.) If you’re in the area, please show up (naked, to help my nerves) at:
Money Smart Week Chicago 2010
Wednesday, April 21, 12-2 PM
Columbia College
33 E. Congress – First Floor Gallery
Chicago, IL 60605
Be Empowered by Successful Entrepreneurs:
Enterpreneur Panel, Q&A, and Book Signing
Just typing this is post is throwing off my penmanship. Must stop here.