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My doppelganger apparently lives in the Bay Area. Holly’s background in web development enables her to offer Twitter and Facebook classes, along with an entire online community for momtrepreneurs. She’s so inspiring that I vow to skip the mompreneur vs. momtrepreneur debate on this one. Just this once. For 3 hours.
What business did you start up? is a network of mom entrepreneurs dedicated to providing a online community for women seeking sisterhood, professional growth, and work-life balance while remaining true to their values. Our online online magazine features stories of success, challenge, and empowerment for all levels of entrepreneurs, from the person with a desire to start their own business to the successful leader wishing to mentor others.
What motivated you to do it?
Corporate America forced me into transition when employment became impossible to find. I moved to Southern California to be near family and began attending networking functions in an attempt to meet new women and build my new Mary Kay business. As I networked I would meet wonderful women doing amazing things and I wanted to share their experiences, success and triumphs with other women. Furthermore, I wanted to refer them to friends whenever I could to help “stimulate the mom economy.” A personal blog was reconfigured into an online community that is now After the online community was launched in 2009 I recognized the need to take new relationships forged online to an offline environment to further solidify those connections. Together we strategize to build our businesses, integrate technology and social networking into our business model, and create lasting referral partners.
How many children do you have, and how old are they?
I have one little boy. He is four years old going on twenty-five. My mother calls him an “old soul.” I call him my best friend.
How long have you been running your business building ?
MyMompreneur was created in 2009.
How long did it take you to start becoming profitable and/or successful, however you chose to measure success?
It was only a few months that I realized the success of MyMompreneur when women began requesting to be featured on my site and clamoring for more content and resources.
How did your family react to you starting your own business building online community?
My family has been very supportive. With the economy as it is, I think they all understood that I was going to have to get creative to be able to provide for myself and my child.
Easiest part of your job?
I have a background in web development so the easiest part is being able to do most of the technical work without having to spend an arm and a leg for design or development.
Hardest part of your job?
Finding the time to do it all.
What skill would you most like to improve?
Finance! I hate doing all the mundane money stuff. YES, I like to make money, but having to learn Quickbooks is a pain in the rear.
What, if any, tools or advice do you wish you knew then that you know now?
Not sure, it’s a learning process and I think I’ve done pretty well so far.
Can you recommend 3 essential websites for moms in, or going into, business?
MYMOMPRENEUR.COM!! What? Is there anything else?
What is the accomplishment you are most proud of?
That I did it! Most mompreneurs will testify that there is always some naysayer that will try to convince you that you’re doing it all wrong or that you shouldn’t do it at all. I have a great sense of satisfaction that though it may not be perfect and I make mistakes, it’s mine and I did it.
Favorite part of a typical day?
Reading feedback from my members. Knowing that what I’m doing has impacted them in a positive way.
A few more questions, just because American Express should be featuring
more momtrepreneurs…
Childhood ambition…. to make my parents really proud and to have a family of my own to share my wealth, success, and happiness.
Fondest memory…. My father saying grace at the dinner table at Thanksgiving saying that the thing that he’s most thankful for is his children.
Indulgence…. Chocolate and Wine! Uh, is there anything better?
Last purchase….. new laptop before my desktop crashed. Can’t support my web development clients, twitter and facebook classes, and online community without it!
Favorite magazine….. right now it would have to be Savvy SWR Woman (since I have my own column in it).
Inspiration….. to leave this earth knowing that I made it just a little better for someone else.
My Life… is a mom entrepreneur.