FMC Member Spotlight: Rachel Wendte

Founding Moms Community member Rachel Wendte has been in business since 2013. She is a UX designer with a focus on content strategy and using communication for connection. With her power of words and focus on design strategy, she uses her intuition and creativity to make businesses pop, from a website audit to content calendars, email marketing, and social media coaching. She helps customers find their voice and teaches them how to use it.

What was the reason that you started your business?

I knew that my diversified experience in arts administration, restaurant marketing, and PR would create a perfect storm to work for myself and help others.

Was there anyone who discouraged you from starting your own business or continuing to grow it?

I was lucky to have people who supported me. The only one who has gotten in my way is me. I talked to her and we’re good now.

If you could change one thing about the way mom entrepreneurs are perceived, what would it be?

While not a mom myself, I’ve worked with many so far in my career. The most important thing about these women is that whatever their work is, it’s not “something to do.” It’s something to be.

What’s something good that’s happened to you in the past year?

I’ve been writing much more on Medium and loving it— I missed writing for myself and not just for clients!

Where do you turn for biz inspiration?

Anytime I want to learn something, I look at YouTube and Skillshare. There are so many talented, smart people showcasing their knowledge

What excites you most about entrepreneurship and where do you see things headed in the future?

The ability to be absolutely fluid in my location has meant a lot more mental exercise. As I don’t expel that energy commuting, I have the energy to think of new projects. And the freedom of working toward my personal success is very motivating.

Why did you join The Founding Moms Community? What do you like most about it?

I got to join the community by luck! I was fortunate to work with Jill when some of my design students evaluated her business a few years ago. It has been such a joy to learn from everyone and see what matters.

Find Rachel on Twitter, Instagram, & Medium @rkwendte.


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