How to Start a Podcast: The FMC’s Course 50 is out!

So you wanna start a podcast? Of course you do. Jill walks you through four crucial areas to think about before you get your podcast up and running, plus you’ll hear from the Breaking Down Your Business producer, Saul!

What’s your format?

When you listen to podcasts, what do you like about them? What don’t you like? Listening to what others do will help you as you try to figure out what you want your podcast to be. Try to do this research beforehand so you don’t have to switch formats halfway through your episodes (though it’s okay if you do!).

You want to think about whether it’s just going to be you talking, or whether you’ll have guests on. And either way, it’s easier to record a bunch of episodes at once instead of trying to set aside time to do it weekly!

What’s your content?

Jill’s biggest tip for anyone recording a podcast is to record 10 episodes… then throw them away. You’re going to be nervous. You’re going to say “um” and “uhhh” so many times that you’ll wonder how you could form a full sentence before. Get the bad ones out of the way and start to figure out what your voice sounds like.

What about sound?

Have you ever listened to a podcast that has crappy sound quality? Then you know how important sound is, especially when you want people to listen to what you’re saying. Jill’s producer, Saul, recommends that you get a good mic (you’ll need a computer and software as well) and that you hire someone to produce at least once so you know what “good” sounds like.

How do you spread the word?

There are tons of ways to get the word out about your podcast, so however you do it – email, social, word of mouth – is up to you. You can also get a boost from cross-promotion on others’ podcasts!

Okay. I’m ready to learn how to start a podcast.

Find out how to start a podcast and get a million downloads.

Jill knows that you can do it and she and Saul know how you can do it.

Don’t miss this wildly helpful video courseHow to Start a Podcast. And after you’ve watched the video, ask us your questions in the Founding Moms Community!

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