Got Product Sales Savvy? The FMC’s Course 49 is out!

Got a product and now you wanna know how to bring in more sales? Jill talks with founder and CEO Jacqueline Smith of Kiesque about how she created her product, Liquid Palisade, and what it took to get it into stores like Sephora in the FMC’s latest course 49, Got Product Sales Savvy?

Research, research, research

Before Jacqueline had a best-selling product, she did tons of research and formulating to get her product down. She thought about how to get people’s attention with packaging – and even where her product might be placed in the store.

She knew she wanted to sell her product physically as well as online. She used social media to work with influencers. And Sephora? She met with them for TWO WHOLE YEARS before anything happened.

Get feedback (and contracts)

Who can give you feedback on your product? If it’s the buyers of the big-name stores, great, but if not, do you have objective people you can ask for an opinion on what you’re selling?

And once your product gets off the ground, do you have contracts in place? It’s important to do all of your research and to remember to grow at your own pace, Jacqueline says.

Okay. I’m ready to learn how to get product sales savvy.

Find out how to get savvy about product sales and sell them ALLLL over.

Jill knows that you can do it and Jacqueline knows how you can do it.

Don’t miss this wildly helpful video courseGot Product Sales Savvy? And after you’ve watched the video, ask us your questions in the Founding Moms Community!

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