Let’s Get Physical: Course 44 Is Out!

Can you build a better business just by doing a body check? Jill talks with dancer and marketing guru Charisse Sisou in course 44, Let’s Get Physical, to find out how to move your body and build a better business at the same time.

Head, shoulders, belly, and hips

Did you know that people can hear whether or not you’re tense even on the phone? If you’re stressed after answering emails or getting riled about something that happened in your day, it all comes out through the way you carry yourself and your tone of voice.

Charisse and Jill go step-by-step through four areas of the body, noticing the difference between tension and relaxation. The more relaxed you are, the more people will be relaxed with you – which in the long run, means more sales. No one wants to do business with a person who seems on edge.

Start with your mouth and jaw. As silly as it sounds, smiling can help. Move to your shoulders – rolling one forward and backward, and then the other.

Then, let your belly out! That may be something you’re afraid to do, but you hold so much tension there. Appreciate what your body can do and what it’s done for you up to this point.

Lastly, your hips! Move ’em around in a circle like you’re holding a hula hoop.

Are you ready to get physical?

Find out how to move your body, relax, and do physical exercises in order to help you build a better business.  Being relaxed in body and mind can lead to better sales, growing your network, and awareness of how you cope with stress.

Jill knows that you can do it and Charisse knows how you can do it.

Don’t miss this wildly helpful video courseLet’s Get Physical. And after you’ve watched the video, ask us your questions in the Founding Moms Community!

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