3 Simple Tricks for Occupying The Kids.

kids solution, kids solution tool

Stop denying it.  You really do need to get work done.  You refuse to succumb to the working woman’s guilt about time spent away from the kids and you need kids solution for it.

To help you stay true to your momtrepreneuriality and stop feeling so badly about “ignoring” your children, here are 3 useful kids solution  tools:

1. The Boob Tube.

Rana Foroohar and Susan H. Greenberg, two spectacular women, reported in Newsweek that “A 2007 study by the National Bureau of Economic Research on rural India found that within six to seven months of getting cable TV, men and women alike had become more open to the idea of women’s autonomy, and more accepting of female participation in household decision making.”

If this is not proof enough that you should feel great about parking your kids in front of the TV, I don’t how else to convince you of its goodness as kids solution.  Seriously.  Have them watch more TV.

Recommended Use: When you have to make a phone call-email-cook-clean-type-wash-order-websurf-dial-read-eat, just set your kids up via Netflix-On Demand-Library Rentals-Garage Sale Finds-SwapADVDSwapTree and turn Sesame Street-Caillou-Doodlebops-The Muppets-Hannah Montana-The Jonas Brothers-The Goonies on.

2. YouTube for Mobile.

This kids solution tool is best used on the go.  You can download it onto your cell or just search for YouTube in your mobile’s web browser.  You can be anywhere, at any time, and with enough battery life your kids can continue to be glued to a tiny version of the Boob Tube…making optometrists everywhere very, very grateful.

Recommended use:  At the pediatrician’s office, while trying to hear what medication is being administered to your child, you can’t make out what the doctor is saying because of all the screaming.  What to do?  Whip out your Blackberry/iPhone/Android.  Click on your YouTube app, locate that Justin Bieber video real fast, and press play.   Then look up and ask:  “What?  Only Tylenol?  Not the stuff that knocks her out for 8 hours?”

3. Books.

Remember these?  They fell off the face of the planet somewhere between tablets and magazines.  At least, for a lot of momtrepreneurs who just have no time, they did.  Instead of bringing them back into your crazed lifestyle, introduce them to your children.  Pop-up books, colorful illustrations and even possibly words might entice the kids to focus their energies away from smashing your keyboard and instead to tearing apart a great hardback.

Recommended use:  After the Blackberry’s been destroyed and your phone conversations are distracting your children from staring at Joe Jonas, grab a good book and, boomerang-style, aim for their heads.  (Knocking them out will add a much-needed 5-10 minutes to your workday).


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