We have one. Sign up here.
We heard you loud and clear. Starting this February, we’re gonna do things differently with our Founding Exchanges.
Since our inception in 2010, we’ve hosted monthly Founding Moms’ Exchanges. They’ve supported thousands of mom entrepreneurs in cities around the world to build better businesses. They’ve been an incredible way for women to find educational resources and emotional support from like-minded folks who are in the same boat. That boat of crazy. The one that rocks you by throwing work issues and life dilemmas at you day in and day out. We’ve gathered together to learn not just how to live with constant changes but how to thrive. How to actually grow a business and raise a family successfully.
Over time, demand for face-to-face interaction has grown. More women want to meet up and connect in person than ever before. They want to create action plans, they want accountability, and they want to know that they’re not alone. They want to educate themselves so that they can be confident in knowing how to make more money.
We’re launching a new format this month and we’re extremely excited to tell you about it:
Our Founding Moms’ Exchanges are now —> Founding Exchanges
Our monthly meetings are now —> weekly masterminds
Our $10 per meeting fee is now only —> $8.75 per meeting
We’ll continue to welcome our offline Founding Moms to Founding Exchanges in all the cities where we live. We hope that we can find many new leaders to launch their own Founding Exchanges in areas where we don’t have a presence yet. Best of all, every Founding Mom who joins an offline Exchange has the opportunity to join our buzzing online community, The Founding Moms Community, so that she can continue learning and growing at her own pace each and every day.
Join us, won’t you? Find your nearest Founding Exchange here.
Don’t see one? Start your own here.