Need A Small Business Loan? Try Kabbage

kabbageAs a mom entrepreneur, you know how difficult it is to get your goals accomplished without the necessary cashflow. Maybe you want some extra money to work on expanding your business, but doing so would leave you strapped for cash (and your kids still need to eat!). Maybe you need a short-term loan to help when business is slow but you still need to cover payroll. Whatever your situation, Kabbage is here to help small business owners like you succeed.

What is Kabbage?

Generally, if you need to raise capital for any reason, there are a variety of options: borrowing money from family or friends, taking out a personal loan from a bank, or working with an equity partner. These options, however, can be complicated and don’t allow you the freedom or flexibility to get the amount you need when you need it. After all, that’s why you started your own company, right? To have the freedom to do things your way?

Kabbage is an automated online lending platform that connects small business owners with access to funding that is designed to help you grow your business on your terms.

How does Kabbage work?

With Kabbage’s simple loan application, small business owners can apply for free online or from the mobile app. You can be approved in minutes and qualify for an ongoing line of credit up to $250,000. Terms are 6-months or 12-months and the best part is you take the exact amount you need—no more waiting weeks for an answer or taking more than you actually need. There are no fees to apply, no obligation to take funds once approved and no holding costs. It’s simple, and Kabbage charges low fees each month you have an outstanding balance.

Review your payment schedule before taking the loan so you can make sure there are no surprises. Kabbage is well known for its transparent and easy-to-understand disclosures, so you know the total cost of capital—down to the exact pennies on the dollar. You can even pay your balance early without prepayment penalties.

See what Kabbage has to offer

Kabbage not only provides access to small business funding but also helps you grow your business with educational resources. Take advantage of free marketing tips, webinars, guides and podcasts that will help you take your business to the next level in 2019. Kabbage is a lending platform that really cares about small businesses and their success.

Grow Your Business with Kabbage

Whether you need to hire new employees, keep inventory on the shelf, cover payroll, or expand to a new market, Kabbage can help.

Ready to apply for a small business loan?  


We have one. Sign up here.