Turning Frustration into Motivation: The Lasso

Guest post:: Colleen Chinlund is the creator of the Lasso, a travel and storage jewelry device that helps prevent tangled chains and keeps rings and earrings safe while you’re on the go. Here, she talks about how a personal frustration led to her motivation behind creating Lasso.

We’ve all been there: You’re running late. You’re stressed out. You just need to get out the door. And then…

You reach for that perfect necklace to complete your look and it is a tangled mess. You have neither the time nor the patience to deal with detangling that chain — especially not when you’ve got an early meeting, you’ve got to get the kids to school, and you already know you’ll be stuck in traffic. Guaranteed to end in frustration — or even worse, a broken piece of jewelry — this small issue can quickly change the tone of your day.


The inspiration behind Lasso

I understand this struggle all too well. As a busy mother, wife, and professional, I know that time is precious and can’t be wasted! The concept of Lasso came to me while on my way to a much-needed vacation. I reflected on the effort it took to get packed and out the door. All I wanted was to wear my necklaces without the hassle of trying to unknot them or risk breaking them in the process. (Fun fact: Did you know that in some cases it costs more for jewelry repair than for the piece of jewelry itself?)

I knew there had to be a better way, and figured that I wasn’t the only one who experienced this problem. Wanting to help protect cherished valuables and prevent the time-wasting effort of untangling chains, I made it my mission to find a real solution to end this common frustration. And when I couldn’t find one, I started creating it myself.

Starting the process

Next came market research. Focus groups. Design specs. Color variations and collaborations with my manufacturing partners, Matrix 4.

I had a couple of firm ideas going in:

  • I wanted the product to be small enough to travel (it fits in your purse)
  • but tough and environmentally-friendly (it’s made of shatterproof, BPA-free, bisphenol-free Tritan™).
  • I knew there’d be those out there who don’t even wear necklaces all that often (it works with headphones, chargers, any cord that could get tangled, really).
  • I also wanted a way to store rings and earrings as well (there’s a compartment to do so).

True motivation

But most of all, I wanted to help others conquer their day without worry or hassle. The potential to make a meaningful impact, however small, made it worth the challenge. I firmly believe that, though it may seem superficial, fashion invokes a feeling. When you look good you feel good. Accessorizing is not only fun but gives us the confidence we need to complete a look and let our personality shine. Plus, having a handle on your jewelry organization makes life so much easier.

Dress without stress

Lasso enables you to wear your favorite pieces of jewelry, wherever you are, without the fear of damage, loss, or tangles. Whether on display at home, in your gym bag, or on its way around the world, Lasso takes the stress out of getting dressed.

Want to gift a Lasso or treat yourself to this timesaver? Use code HOLIDAY20 and get 20% off


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