How to Systematize Your Business: The FMC’s Course 42 Is Out!

how to systematize your businessAs a business owner, how many things do you do in a day? Are you a “Jill-of-all-trades?” In the latest FMC course 42, Jill talks with Daniela Bolzmann of Mindfull Goods about how to systematize your business. No longer do you have to do everything… this system will help you figure out what’s really important!

A Four-Step System

Daniela created her system when she was trying to figure out what she wanted in her life and her business. She has a background as a tech entrepreneur and now helps businesses launch products on Amazon. As mom entrepreneurs, we are often a “Jill-of-all-trades,” but you shouldn’t have to be. Create systems to learn what you should be handling and when you should be handling it.

Get Your Sticky Note (or paper and pen) Ready

Using the four steps of this system, you’ll be able to discern what tasks you do on a daily basis. From there, you’ll be able to categorize the tasks you should be doing, where you can have help, and what you really don’t need to focus on right now.

A Step-by-Step Walkthrough

Daniela takes us through a step-by-step walkthrough of how she used her system to create the launch process for her business. She found that learning how to systematize helped her to figure out what she could spend less time on. In addition, she saw that she could figure out what to offer at a basic price, and what to sell at a premium price. By systematizing, she can spend the time doing things she really loves.

Are you ready to learn how to systematize your business?

Find out how to spot the systems that you already have in place, create new ones, and make your business run more efficiently than ever before.

Jill knows that you can do it and Daniela knows how you can do it.

Don’t miss this wildly helpful video courseHow to Systematize Your Business. And after you’ve watched the video, ask us your questions on our forum!

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