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I sold out to The Man and got me some free samples of OxiClean’s new Max Force Power Paks and Gel Sticks. Why? Because I love taking things from The Man and giving them a woman’s touch? Because corporate giants could learn a thing or two from us momtrepreneurs? Because I can?
No, fools. Because I have some seriously backlogged laundry to do.
Other than the superpowered hyperbole of a product name, I ended up loving the Power Paks so much that I did a record amount of laundry this week. After folding so much clean clothing (and with gusto!), my husband–in a state of shock–asked how I suddenly had so much time to do the laundry. I didn’t. But new products are fun, right?
Think of the Power Pak as your personal laundry basketball. You can stand from 20 feet from the washing machine and throw it right into the wash. The Gel Stick proves to be more a bit more work — it’s like putting deodorant on the outside of your clothing — and after my daughter had dipped her sleeves into the muddiest mud of muds, the Gel Stick provided optimism but did not pan out.
OxiClean could one-up its Power Paks by providing actual detergent in the Paks and not making it a separate detergent booster. Besides that, my family is looking and smelling better than we have in a very, very long while. Sadly for us, it’s time for this momtrepreneur to get back to work.