Rejection Projection: The FMC’s Course 36 is out!

rejection projectionHave you dealt with rejection in business?  In our latest course 36, Rejection Projection, Jill talks with author Amy Kite on her process with rejection – and why it might not be as bad as you think.

Amy’s Story

Amy Kite typically experienced success in her career: She’s got a Masters in Journalism from Northwestern University, she’s written for The New York Times, and she’s published children’s books. In the last year, however, she decided she wanted to get out of her comfort zone and start submitting to literary journals. In doing that, she found she had so much to learn – and rejection was part of it.

Experiencing Rejection

Amy believes it’s important for business owners to experience rejection because, ultimately, it’s a learning opportunity. Every time you’re told “no” it’s a chance to review and revise your work up to that point, and decide what you can and will do differently for next time.

But shouldn’t I take it personally?

Amy understands that the gut reaction every time you’re met with rejection is to take it personally, but it’s worth considering that other factors – and not you – are the issue. Rejection eventually leads to success. Every famous person who has been considered successful has experienced their fair share of rejection. (Walt Disney, Michael Jordan… the list is endless.) At the end of the day, it’s about business – not about you.

How does it lead to success?

Rejection can motivate you to work harder next time. If you believe that rejection is all part of the journey, it makes things worthwhile.

Okay, I’m ready for rejection projection.

If you’ve experienced rejection in business, it’s okay. Our expert Amy Kite will show you how it’s actually a good thing. Amy and Jill will walk you through tips and tricks for how to handle it, how to tell your kids about it, and what you can do to help yourself on the path to success.

Jill knows that you can do it. Amy knows how you can do it.

Don’t miss this wildly helpful video courseRejection Projection. And after you’ve watched the video, ask us your questions on our forum!

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