Let’s Talk About Sex: The FMC’s Course 34 Is Out!

let's talk about sexCan sex help you build a better business? In The Founding Moms Community’s latest course 34, Let’s Talk About Sex, Jill and certified sex therapist Lisa Katona discuss how sex and business influence each other.

Will sex help my business? That sounds crazy!

Let’s be honest: Sex isn’t something that we talk about often as women, let alone as business owners. However, it’s important to remember that sex is a part of your whole health. And if you’re feeling good, you may just be able to run a better business. As Katona says, “You can do business better if you’re having great sex and you can have better sex if your business is going well.” Furthermore, you can use the ways you communicate with your partner in a safe and trustworthy space. Examine your wants and needs, and consider how it feels to be in the same room with someone you trust and feel good about. Take that same knowledge and apply it to your business practices. Does the person you’re about to enter into a business relationship with make you feel safe and secure? If they do, great! If they don’t, then trust your gut and don’t make that business decision.

In sex and in business, communication is key.

We often believe erroneous things about sex. We may have heard them so many times we just believe them to be true, or we believed what our parents said and did. But communication goes a long way. Just like you should be talking to your partner about anything and everything, you should have open lines of communication in business. Ensure that your business partner and your relationship partner respect your wants and needs.

As women, we often forget that we should say what we want. We have trouble valuing ourselves and asking for what we want. The same thing happens in bed as it does in business. Think about how to value what you offer.

Don’t forget: Practice makes perfect.

Do you feel like you’ve lost the spark in the bedroom as well as your office? Variety will help, and make sure you carve out time for your partner. Don’t try to solve all problems all at once. Take small steps to reconnect with your partner – or if you’ve lost your creativity in business – to reconnect with the things that make you happy and satisfied. If you’re trying to compare yourself to others you see around you (“That couple is having so much sex! That person is growing her business so much faster than I am!”), remember that there is no gold standard for either area. Do what feels comfortable, what feels natural, what feels good. It may even be worth it to examine your beliefs with others and talk about it. What you find out may surprise you.

Ok, I’m ready. Let’s talk about sex.

So many of us feel uncomfortable talking about sex, but it really can help you build a better business if you give it a chance.

Jill knows that you can do it. Lisa knows how you can do it.

Don’t miss this wildly helpful video courseLet’s Talk About Sex. And after you’ve watched the video, tell us some of your stories in our forum!

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