Wanna Win A Free FMC Membership? Try Daily.co!

try daily.coWanna join the Founding Moms Community for a whole year for FREE? Thanks to our friends at Daily.co, now you can.

Several amazing mom entrepreneurs now have the chance to win 365 days inside the savviest, sassiest group of businesswomen in the world.

Enter the contest here! Whaddya get?

One year of video courses featuring experts on a wide range of small business topics, feedback directly from Jill Salzman and fellow mom entrepreneurs, an accountability buddy, branding and marketing know-how, a profile in the Founding Moms Directory, monthly webinars, and so much more. The Founding Moms Community will help you do everything from marketing your business to getting your taxes under control. Between work and family time, there’s so much to learn…and our members thrive with the support they find inside.

Whaddya have to do? Enter the contest here!

What’s Daily.co?

Ever wish you had a great video conference call solution? Try Daily.co!

Daily.co is 1-click video calls on a URL that you specify – like your-name.daily.co.

So as your business grows, Daily.co puts you in touch with anyone, anywhere…easy-peasy. The FMC is all about connecting and supporting mom entrepreneurs. With a common goal of supporting and connecting mom entrepreneurs face-to-face and online, FMC and Daily.co have teamed up to make the world a better place with kickass female businesswomen. We want to help women founders get out there and thrive!

Daily.co is rooting for you – it’s a female-founded company, too! Co-founder Nina Kuruvilla loves hearing about and learning from other women. What’s rewarding for the Daily.co team is helping women succeed, from anywhere.

Best of all? It’s free and gives you business-critical tools. By sponsoring new FMC memberships, Nina hopes to help you work effectively and build your brand.

I Wanna Try Daily.co!

Enter the contest here! It begins on Monday, February 5.  To be entered to win:

Post on social media (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram) with these hashtags –>

#FMCDailyCo #FoundingMoms

Your post should include an image, a statement or a video (get creative!) about why you love running a small business. You have until Thursday, February 8 at 5P Central to do so. Winners will be chosen at random and announced Friday, February 9.

Are you excited? We are.

See you on the inside!

Enter the contest here!


We have one. Sign up here.