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Do you feel like 2018 is the year to lead your business with purpose? Learn how to see what need you’re really answering in your business in our latest FMC video course #31, I Wanna Lead with Purpose!
In this course, Jill speaks with Joanna Black of She Works Collective and Curating Simplicity about building your business and leading with purpose.
Black recommends that you write down everything that’s important to you. What’s the thing that makes you happy when you do it? What do you want your life to look like? What do you want for your children? What do people say about you as a business person? Write down all those things and see if there are any trends that you can parlay into your business.
If it’s difficult for you to find answers to these questions, Black says that we don’t have to have them immediately. In her own business, it took her years to find her answers, but they came from her personal experiences. She considers it part of her journey.
And once you have ideas, don’t be afraid to test them! Meeting people face-to-face (or even asking other ladies in the FMC!) makes a world of difference. Just remember that it never hurts to ask. You can always try a new idea out. If it works, roll with it! And if it doesn’t, that’s okay. You may try something and find that you don’t even like it as much as you thought you would. Jill says, “If it feels like it fits…” then embrace it. This is how you’ll lead with purpose in your business.
You have an idea that you really want to launch, which is great. But make sure you sit down and ask yourself if the business is financially viable and/or if it’s scalable. Sometimes it requires multiple streams of income to make things work. Sometimes it means that you have to take gigs that you otherwise wouldn’t because you’re working toward accomplishing your vision. You know that you’re working toward a larger goal. (And, Black says, if you’re doing what you love, the money will follow.)
Joanna breaks down the steps in small, manageable pieces, so you’ll be well on your way to leading your business with purpose in 2018.
Jill knows you can do it. Joanna knows how you can do it.
Don’t miss this wildly helpful video course, I Wanna Lead with Purpose. And after you’ve watched the video, tell us some of your suggestions in our forum!
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