Momtrepreneurs In 2010: Taking Over The Workforce.

As any New Year brings, this 2010 will wreak plenty of change and growth in our businesses and in us.

I’m pretty sure, though, that this year will be a huge one for us momtrepreneurs.  There are already signs everywhere we turn:

1. At the end of last year, the Wall Street Journal reported that women were nearing the work force majority–as though it was something to be afraid of?

2. The Economist’s January feature is titled, “The Rich World’s Quiet Revolution:  Women Are Gradually Taking Over The Workplace.”

3. Major marketplaces like Startup Nation, Ladies Who Launch, Yahoo’s Shine and more have recently launched (read: put big money behind) “Mompreneur Cafes” and other networking sites where momtrepreneurs can network, share information and resources and see how many other women are doing it.

You can bet that there’s plenty more to come…in the way of forums for momtrepreneurs to do what we do best–gather together and make things happen.  How much am I looking forward to seeing more momtrepreneurs come on board this year?  Very, very much.


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