Accounting Is for Lovers: Course 29 is Out!

accounting is for loversDoes the word “accounting” fill you with dread?

Dread it no more. How? Check out our newest video course #29, Accounting Is for Lovers.

At its core, every business is the same, says our expert Margie Manietta. “We all have cash, sales, revenues and expenses.” And why is that important? “They help to run your business, to give you key numbers for your business. They help make sure you are pricing your product or service accurately, help you manage your expenses and taxes to keep your taxes low!”

Though some might think accounting is boring, Margie lives for it. She understands that some entrepreneurs don’t want to look at the numbers because they’re fearful of what the numbers might tell them. In course 29, Accounting Is for Lovers, she transfers some of her passion for numbers onto us, so we don’t have to be so afraid (she promises that the IRS isn’t really as bad as we make them out to be).

In the Accounting Is for Lovers Video Course…

Margie gives us some quick tips that we can do today like investing in a good app, making sure to keep track of our expenses, and not to be afraid of accounting software like QuickBooks to help you keep track of your stuffs and things.

Even if you do all of these things, there are still ways to do better. You can code your expenses in the proper categories so that it makes it easier for you (or your accountant) come tax time. A lot of us avoid looking at the details until we make more money, but sometimes that’s the very reason why we’re not making any. Sometimes we’re spending too much and don’t even realize it!

If you look at the details while keeping in mind the big picture, it will help you to make smarter decisions and give you what we all want… more money! Additionally, Margie explains what different business formations mean for tax purposes, which is SUPER helpful.

Why Is Accounting Such A Sensitive Subject for Entrepreneurs?

For many entrepreneurs, there’s so much pride when it comes to our profit and loss. It’s easy to get emotional. It’s easy to get so bogged down in your business that you forget to work ON your business. If you let an accountant handle your financial situation, it’s one less thing you’ll have to worry about! You can always ask your accountant questions (in fact, they prefer that you do, and they’ll give you homework if you ask them for it.)

Okay, I’m ready to learn to love accounting.

If you want to face your accounting fear head on, you’ll appreciate this video. Jill and Margie will walk you through their top tips n’ tricks to tackle finances, category expenses, and more!

Jill knows you can do it. Margie knows how you can do it.

Don’t miss this wildly helpful video course. And after you’ve watched the video, tell us some of your  suggestions in our forum!

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