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Join Jill for her free October webinar on 5 Simple Ways to Market Your Business!
Wanna market your biz? Of course you do. A lot of entrepreneurs spend many precious hours throwing money at sales and marketing, and then wonder why the dollars aren’t flowing right back at them. If your marketing plan isn’t clear and concise, you probably won’t get the return you’re hoping for.
Is your schedule easy to follow and consistent? Do you give up because things didn’t work for you in a day, but it seems that when other people do it, they have people signing up for their services left and right?
Are you on social media consistently? As a small business owner, social media may be tiresome and tedious, but it’s necessary. Are you interacting with those who reach out to you? If you’re not, you may want to rethink your strategy.
What about your website? Is it clear? Does it make consumers want to buy from you? If a person lands on your website and doesn’t know where to go to get the thing they need (or doesn’t know what they need and your website doesn’t help them figure it out), they will absolutely go elsewhere.
Jill’s been building businesses for over a decade. In that time, she’s tried a million trillion quadrillion different things on many, many different websites in order to sell her products and services. While a lot hasn’t worked, plenty has. So to save you some time and a few headaches, she wants to share her top tips with you.
Join her on October 24 at 11am CST as she walks you through 5 simple ways to market your business, and take notes on the tools you can use to make the process oh-so-easy. RSVP here and watch your business grow.