Miscellaneous Momtrepreneur Moments.

work balanceI think most moms occasionally have those moments where we  need work balance and think, “Why on earth did I sign up for this?”  And most momtrepreneurs have moments of wanting to trade our crazy juggling acts for regular, normal jobs.  This week I had a day that combined the worst of both so I have to work balance – I had a day of nonstop appointments and needed to get my paperwork together, but right before school started, I had to take my younger son to an emergency orthodontist appointment to have his spring re-attached – for the 27th time, I believe.  Since I’d thought it would be fairly quick, I hadn’t brought work to do, so I ended up having 45 minutes to thumb through outdated issues of People.  (And while I appreciate knowing why Jon & Kate split up, I still had other things I needed to do!)  I was already crabby as I drove Ben back to school, so it didn’t help when he announced, “Oh, Mom, you
need to bring my dress clothes to school, it’s final rehearsal for the drama team play.”  As we waited in the office to sign him back in,  I envisioned frantically hunting through Ben’s room, having to reach behind the rat cage for his crumpled white shirt, and meanwhile my son stood as far away from me as humanly possible, since of course 8th graders would rather die than publicly acknowledge the existence of parental units.

We walked out at the same time, with me prepared to make an anonymous exit, and suddenly Ben came up to me and said, “Mom, sorry about that, but there were some cool kids in the office and it’s sort of embarrassing to have your mother at school.”  I said I understood, turned to leave (of course, without doing anything really embarrassing like waving or kissing him), and then Ben called out, quite audibly, “Bye, Mom, I love you!”

Needless to say, I barely made it to the car before I burst into tears.  That one, unexpected gift made up for the 45 minutes at the orthodontist’s–in fact, it made up for the $400 band trip fee, the nights I sat up with him when he had the stomach flu, and even the 12 hours of labor.   What a great reminder of why I made the choices to work balance, I’ve made – if I had a ‘regular’ job and a nanny to handle all my tedious tasks, I would have missed a wonderful moment.  (On the other hand, I wouldn’t have minded letting a nanny look for the dress shirt and clean up around the rat cage . . . oh well.)  And if I’d never had kids, I wouldn’t know how it feels to cry with joy because a 13-year-old said something to me that didn’t begin with “Mom, I need . . . . . “

Sometimes being a momtrepreneur really is the best job in the world!

-Lauren Mayer, The Psycho SuperMomtrepreneur


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