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So I have this crazy idea.
I’m nine months pregnant with my second child, am still busy running my businesses, and I have decided to add more work to my giant pile of work. Since I’m often asked, “How do you do it all?” I thought I would take this opportunity to chronicle my experience putting together my first national conference.
There, I said it. (The more I say it, the crazier it sounds and the more excited I get. Perhaps I need a therapist.)
Sure, I have enough going on with my business responsibilities, nevermind my two-year old constantly interfering. But I know that this conference is a great idea. Necessary, really.
It all began when I organized a neighborhood Meetup in the hopes of meeting 5-10 fellow momtrepreneurs to discuss the trials and tribulations of our lives over coffee. It’s been less than a year and the group now has 120 members (!!!). That number is not a typo. In the middle of Illinois I’ve found that there are an incredible number of momtrepreneurs who have been thrilled to come together and talk about work/life. As we neared the 100-member mark in the middle of flyover country, it occurred to me that there must be many more momtrepreneurs around the nation—and we needed an event that would bring us together.
Because I want to create awareness about The Momtrepreneur Exchange, and because I want to solicit as many ideas from you as possible to make this the best conference ever, I am going to chronicle my activites as I put together this massive event. Please join me, and let me know what you think along the way.