Fannie May…I Please Have Some More.

The holiday season has begun early this year.  And by season, I mean “consumption of giant quantities of delicious no-no’s.”

Last week I received a huge tin of popcorn from The Popcorn Factory, a Cheryl&Co. cookie and brownie, and truffles from none other than Fannie May.  Why?  Because someone at these companies saw my name on a list likely titled Those Who Must Pre-Load On Treats Before Actual Holidays.  (Note to food companies:  this is the only type of spam that I welcome.)

Buy these for your employees this year.  They’re small treats, affordable enough, and the kind that you don’t even realize you’ve finished until you look down at your desk and get really mad and start shouting, “WHERE IS THAT BROWNIE?” and blame everyone in your family even though none of them are home.  My order of preference?  Eat the cookie and brownie first, followed by 3 truffles (per day) and finish off with at least 5 handfuls of popcorn per night.

Truffle assortment gift boxes cost $17.99 to start, Buttercream Frosted Brownies start at $28.95, and that dang popcorn tin is only $24.99.  (Use promo code P70 whe ordering from The Popcorn Factory and you’ll get $5 off.)



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