Introducing…The Psycho SuperMomtrepreneur.

Being a ‘momtrepreneur’ requires major juggling skills – managing your business, your clients, your marketing, your home, your kids, and your kids’ activities, much less keeping up with volunteer work, friends, spouses, exercise, and sleep.  We all like to think we can do it all – but let’s be honest, a few of those balls get dropped now and then, and trying to be a SuperMomtrepreneur is going to drive you a bit psycho.  When things go awry, maintaining a sense of humor can be a big help.  For example, when my kids were babies, I went to a networking event and met a potential client.  In my sleep-deprived haze, I reached into my bag for a business card and pulled out . . . a pacifier.  After an awkward pause, I recovered with, “What can I say, these events stress me out.”   (I don’t know if the client was amused, but at least I was able to laugh about it later . . . )

So when those little things go wrong, you miss a deadline, you forget to charge your cell phone, or you didn’t have enough shoeboxes for your kid’s diorama of Prehistoric Mammals, try to find the humor in the situation – or check out funny videos on YouTube, your favorite humor writers, or the latest episode of The Simpsons.  We can all use a good laugh now and then!

-Lauren Mayer, The Psycho SuperMomtrepreneur


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