Crib Sheet #34: Momnificent!’s Lori Radun.

growing businessHow much do we love (and need) moms helping other moms?  Support is key, and Lori has turned her desire to help others into a growing business–and book!  She even finds time to practice Tae Kwon Do…

What business did you start up?

Momnificent!® is a company focused on helping moms growing business, live magnificent lives – personally, professionally and spiritually.  Momnificent!® provides coaching and other resources to empower moms to minimize stress, celebrate balance, and create positive change in their lives.

What motivated you to do it?

Discovering my life purpose and having a heart-felt desire to make a difference in this world.  I am a mom too, and I know how hard it can be.  I want moms to know there is support available to them as they walk through the journey of motherhood.  I also have a heart for children, and want to do what I can to contribute to raising the next generation.  Moms are models for the next generation, and we have the ability to make the world a healthier and more positive place to live.  I want to be a part of that movement.

How many children do you have, and how old are they?

I have two wonderful boys.  Kai is 18 and a freshman at Mizzou, and Ian is 7 years old.

How long have you been running your business?

I started my coach training in September 2003, and opened my business in July 2004.

How long did it take you to start becoming profitable and/or successful, however you choose to measure success?

It took about two years for me to become profitable.  I have always poured the majority of all my income back into my business because I am still building it.  This year has been tougher, not only because of the economy, but because I had a few major business ventures – rebranding and publishing a book.  It’s all uphill from here!

How did your family react to you starting your own growing business?

My family has always been very supportive.  My husband has been my biggest supporter, often promoting my growing  business because he is so proud.  My older son has done work for my company, and even my little guy loves to promote Momnificent!®  He loves to hand out marketing postcards.

Easiest part of your job?

The easiest part of my job is coaching my clients.  I’ve been doing it for years, and it comes very natural for me.

Hardest part of your job?

The hardest part of my job is marketing a service/products that moms view as a luxury, rather than a necessity.  My challenge is understanding my market and what they want or need in the way of personal and family growth.  I have always been a sponge for learning and growing, so sometimes I assume all moms are like me, but all moms are different.

What skill would you most like to improve?

I am constantly striving to improve in all areas of my life.  I guess if I had to pick one area I wish I were much better at, it would be sales and marketing.  After all, you can’t really build a business without that skill.

What, if any, tools or advice do you wish you knew then that you know now?

I would have to say that knowing how to build a business is critical to success.  When I first started my growing business, I knew how to be a coach.  Even though I had worked in business and knew how to run the administrative side of a business, I had no idea how to build a company.  I have spent years educating myself on marketing, business building strategies, successful business models, writing sales copy, etc.  It would have been easier if I had known all that when I started, but the journey of learning has been good, none the less.

Can you recommend 3 essential websites for moms in, or going into, business?

Ali Brown
Kendall Summerhawk
National Association of Entrepreneur Moms

What is the accomplishment you are most proud of?

Writing and publishing my new book, The Momnificent! Life ~ Healthy and Balanced Living for Busy Moms, and creating my brand Momnificent!®

Favorite part of a typical day?

I love my quiet time when everyone has left the house for work and school, and I get to dive into what I love – my business!  I love being home for my son when he gets off the bus, and I love snuggling up in bed at night with whatever book I happen to be absorbing.

Anything else I should have asked you that you should answer?

Start a business because you love what you do!  No matter how discouraged you feel, don’t ever give up on your dream!

A few more questions, just because American Express should be featuring more momtrepreneurs…

Childhood ambition….When I was a kid, I wanted to be a pediatrician.  God had different plans for me.

Fondest memory….When I was young, I had been outside playing in the snow (I really don’t like cold weather).  When I came in, I remember being so cold.  My mom put my feet in those old hair dryers that you used to wear on your head, and turned on the heat while she went to make some hot chocolate for me.  I remember drifting off to sleep feeling blissfully happy and warm.

Indulgence….chocolate, chocolate and chocolate!

Last purchase…..creamy tomato soup and barbeque chicken chopped salad from Panera Bread – yummy!

Favorite magazine…..when I make time to read magazines, I like Entrepreneur and Oprah Magazine.  I know that Ali Brown’s new magazine (Ali Magazine) is going to be a favorite of mine!

Inspiration…..positive people that have a zest for life, people who smile and laugh a lot, people with amazingly good energy.

My Life… rich and full.  I am blessed in so many ways.  I have amazing friends, a loving family, and I get to do work I absolutely love!  I love my Tae Kwon Do family, and feel wonderfully empowered by practicing Tae Kwon Do.  I love to read, watching good movies, and of course, creating.  That’s what being an entrepreneur is all about!


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